Evgueni Stuchenko: A la izquierda muchachos, a la izquierda, pero nunca más a la izquierda de vuest

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

La extranjera

La mujer que abre la puerta es extranjera, como tú. Te dice «espere aquí» sin mirarte a la altura de los ojos, con la cabeza un poco gacha, se ve que la han enseñado a recibir así a las visitas o será que es así mismo su forma de mirar y de ser: cautelosa, distante. Luego llega el cristal de los saludos y no sabes ni cuidarte las llagas de la conversación, de tan solo mirarla con interrogación disimulada. Te pasas la tarde mirando a esa mujer sin saber ni quién será ni de dónde ha venido. Ella entra y sale, sirviendo las copas según van llegando los demás. A ti te ofrece vino sin decirte nada, tan solo con el gesto servicial botella en mano. Sigues ahí en la sombra de la tertulia, y te parece que estás detrás, al otro lado del escaparate donde se exhiben y se recuerdan antiguos sentimientos sin catalogar: los suspiros de Alfonsina Storni, las tres heridas tiernas de Miguel Hernández, por ejemplo, o un recuerdo de Kafka cuando de niño se meaba en la cama, porque Franz, antes de Josef K., fue un niño triste que no sabía de qué París venia la cigüeña con la muerte. Sin embargo, tú piensas que conoces a esa mujer desde toda la vida y ella, cuando vuelve a entrar y te mira de refilón, da la sensación de ser tu cómplice en el silencio.

Ahora ya eres adulto, se supone, y has de salir a escena. Has traído tu nombre bajo el brazo. Pero nadie retuvo tu apellido remoto, procedente de esa patria que ya no es un país en ningún mapa porque a todos os fueron emigrando. «¿Talbania? ¿Debe ser de Centroeuropa, no, o eres africano blanco?» Nadie de la concurrencia tiene noción de la existencia de ese país del que dices proceder. Pero el almuerzo se consume con delicadeza. Las visitas se toman sus cafés, sus pastelillos de cidra, sus copitas de licor amentolado, y tú, desde la sombra, cuentas lo que te piden. A su debido tiempo la dueña de la casa esnifa dos rayitas y ofrece a los demás. A mí me pedirá que la acompañe al baño para darle masajes en la espalda. Se supone que tú eres un adulto y nada te escandalizan ya nuestras costumbres, la vida de nosotros, los oyentes amigos que le damos refugio y existencia a tu escaso existir, porque ahora debes seguir ahí, contando cómo de forma gradual desapareció del mapa tu país, y el ingenioso accidente en que sólo unos pocos pudisteis salvar el idioma: unos cuantos aprendieron de memoria los doscientos sofismas que formaban la base idiomática de Talbania; uno solo, el más atrevido, llamado León Pelief (aún balbuceas su nombre, con esfuerzo), se llevó la voz antigua de la tierra, esa que aún no se había pronunciado en vuestra lengua, y le nombró Éxodo, Llanto y Poesía, cuyo significado, en la trina y una acepción, es la nada del olvido, nos aclaras. Tú escapaste, como único botín, apenas con cinco sentencias y algunos consejos de tu abuelo y las dos adivinanzas que tuviste que resolver para poder entrar en el cómputo de los iniciados en el amor. De las dos, ya solo recuerdas una, la que tú mismo dices era la más insignificante: está en la escalera y no puede subir... ¿O está en la puerta y no puede entrar? No recuerdas del todo bien la fórmula.

Pese a la simpleza de tu discurso existencial, tus admiradoras hacen conjeturas de lo más dispares y, sin poder hallar la respuesta, se maravillan de la sobriedad y la elegancia y la profunda sabiduría del exiguo idioma, ya en desuso y extinguiéndose, de tu estirpe sin patria. Tú piensas que la única que lo sabe es esa mujer, la que te abrió la puerta y ordenó que esperases; esa mujer de sonrisa oriental y rasgos beduinos que se parece a ti, que no sabes quién será ni de dónde ha venido, pues cuando se le pide opinión nunca dice nada que no esté dicho ya sobre el café y las otras delicias de la gente. Tú la sigues mirando de soslayo, y a veces frontalmente, y con una indeterminada ansiedad esperas de su boca el resultado proverbial de tu futuro. Y ella siempre callada, sonriente y esquiva, como si no entendiera lo que habláis o no conociera las palabras que debe pronunciar. Atenta está a lo que necesite y pida cada invitado, retirando la vajilla usada, y, sin embargo, piensas que ella te estudia, que te está escudriñando el pensamiento, lo poco que te queda de memoria, que sabe ya de ti, de tu pasado, más que lo que recuerdas verdaderamente.

Nota: Probablemente esta sea la última entrada de este blog. Disfrutad y sed felices. Salud

44 comentarios:

Grice y Leech. dijo...

Una pena si ya no nos llegan más historias de Talbania, serán más frías las tardes de invierno. Enhorabuena por este blog, Pruden, que quede en el recuerdo de la red y de nuestras mentes si ese es tu deseo. Te copio la despedida: Salud.

Prudencio Salces dijo...

Para grice y leech

Hola. Quiero darte las gracias por tus palabras de aprobación y despedida. El blog que dejo de actualizar fue idea de Luis, y sin saber de qué iría en principio le llamé Historias Fabulosas de Talbania y por ahí seguí metiendo la mano y la mollera. Pero como bien sabrás, un proyecto con intención literaria, y bajo el concepto de unidad temática, tiene que tener su fin. Y ya iban apareciendo otras muchas entradas que no se parecían al inicio, por eso le cambié de nombre. Pero ya está bien.

Seguiré vuesta ruta, no obstante, hasta ver si un día nos conocemos en Madrid.

Con mis felicitaciones


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These days, I did an implementation of Xilisoft DVD Ripper Platinum and Xilisoft DVD Ripper Ultimate. When it's done, my eyes are dropped into a tiny spot, where a set of options of Video Level ranking would be presented on both of them if specific output file profile was one of AVC videos. That is an interesting setting and I just dimly recalled something similar to what I had read on a tech article about audio and video coding.

From a sweaty work on searching, I eventually retrieve that presentation naming of The Emerging H.264/AVC Standard. It represents H.264/AVC, the current video coding standard especially in comparison to the former one - MPEG-2, Bla Bla Bla...... Suddenly, one paragraph flips onto my sight perfectly matching what I'm seeking. It's been said, "Eleven levels are defined, specifying upper limits for the picture size (in macroblocks), the decoder-processing rate (in macroblocks per second), the size of the multi-picture buffers, the video bit-rate and the video buffer size."

We can see the levels essentially specify the conformance points designed to facilitate interoperability and correlations between various applications of the H.264/AVC standard. In terms of that article, detailed references for the level specification relate to maximum number of macroblocks per picture, the maximum number of macroblocks per second, maximum decoded picture buffer size, maximum bit rate, maximum coded picture buffer size and vertical motion vector ranges.

Maybe it's a little hard to understand these technical terms, let me tell you some. For example, frame means an image captured at some instant in time and a field is the set of every-other line that would form an image at some instant in time; macroblock is an area less than 16 by 16 pixels in a frame; buffer is defined as compensation for a difference in rate of flow of data, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one to another, and so on. And I find out a parameter comparison between the level rankings of these two DVD rippers as below:

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Tips on How to fulfill Girls on the Mall

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1 - Go to your meals court. Feel it or not, the food court will be absolute very best put with the shopping mall to fulfill a girl. Here's what you do. Choose a foodstuff put and get in line for the meal. Whereas you might be in line, seem around the location the place everybody is sitting down and eating. Seem for the young girl sitting down alone, as well as two girls seated together. When you've got your meal in hand, walk above to where she or they are sitting and check with if you are able to join them. If you are truthful and straightforward with them, your chances are fairly wonderful.

2- Do some considering. Ahead of you even take into account planning to your shopping mall to fulfill a gal, sit your self down and do some really serious contemplating. Give some thought to how you may speak to a woman and what you could possibly say to her if you could be effective. Take into consideration which parts among the local mall you'll go to. Also, you're going to ought to obtain something though there, what do you will need? At long last, give some thought to what meeting a young lady in a public destination entails. Undoubtedly you can be required to check for a wedding ring ahead of speaking to some gal, and you can expect to must take into consideration if it is wiser to speak to some chick alone or just one who is with others. Eventually, you'll have being reasonable about your personal age as well as the ages of this girl you want to fulfill. As in, you can have a need to tell all by yourself to become practical and do not check out to satisfy girls which might be a lot younger or older than you may be, or that start looking out of one's league.

3 - Ask for advice. Once you happen to be last but not least in the mall, one to the ways to fulfill women is by asking them for facilitate. Ladies understand that men have no suggestion what these are undertaking when they are buying, so asking for boost will not appear this kind of a ridiculous thought. Request enable in picking out a jacket for oneself for instance. Working on so let's the woman know that you simply are single. If she agrees to aid you, question her other queries as you grab distinctive jackets to you could try on.

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It appears each calendar year most people begin purchasing previously and before for Christmas. Final calendar year I began on the starting of October and had all of the provides wrapped from the end from the month. This yr I started out even sooner to carry benefit of the couple of outlets providing mid 12 several weeks product sales.

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Why Store Before

Hunting previously has two major benefits - obtaining improved bargains and avoiding the vacation rush. Nonetheless it has its drawbacks as well. Numerous toy and game producers specially, only launch their newest merchandise rather near for the holidays. This implies that if you're proceeding to store inside the center belonging to the calendar year, you won't have the ability to obtain the most current objects over the marketplace. One way to obtain all over this would be to pre-order. In reality pre-ordering items may well even fetch you deals and free of charge presents.
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But in a a number of instances, if you ever maintain your eyes open, you are able to get superior discounts all through the slow or off season, retail sensible. Numerous mobile phone producers launch their most recent designs while in the center on the calendar year. This suggests that previous types is going to be likely at rock bottom rates about two several weeks prior to the launch from the replacement.

Some persons carry searching previously for the severe but purchasing correct following the holidays for those future holidays. Post vacation revenue are occasionally even more desirable than pre-holiday product sales as departmental merchants attempt to obvious excess stock by providing ridiculous savings.

Needful Adjustments

Moving up Christmas browsing a handful of several weeks requires just a little adjustment, spending budget smart, especially throughout the earliest calendar year for this timetable alter. However it doesn't carry significantly to obtain used to it. Its just a matter of maintaining to some set routine of placing just just a bit of money apart for reveals.

The Gift Conundrum

Apart from producing purchases throughout revenue, obtaining in bulk can conserve you a lot of money. Its often very good to break recipients into a handful of groups very first - near household subscribers, spouse and children affiliates, near pals, associates, colleagues - you receive the concept. Performing so enables you to organize your getting far better. That mentioned I only have two recipient groups - instant household and other people.

Obviously you'd desire to purchase a lot more private and thoughtful presents for that folks closer for you. But for extra generic presents, I recommend pack buying, which can be just like pack hunting, only nicer.

Pack hunting right here suggests gathering a few of buddies with comparable purchasing lists after which getting in bulk to carry benefit of economies of scale. I usually pack store with two other people today in relation to generic presents. You can discover that it is possible to get extremely great presents like wine glasses at truly good rates whenever you pack store.

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There are numerous things with the potential to affect us, and [url=http://cungmuachungnhom.com/thoi-trang.html]Thoi trang nam[/url] has lived-up to that potential. If you stop and think about it, you will likely notice a lot of the different ways it can wiggle its way into your life. As you find out more, you will easily realize there is a great deal more than meets they eye.

There is sufficient awareness surrounding this so people know what to expect. But when you can uncover all you can and learn, then you will find oneself in a better position. We hope to expand your knowledge base of this specific subject, and in so doing make it possible for you to be much more informed.

The relative difficulties of women's and men's fashion

Both men and women can have the pressures of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style often feels a lot easier. Of course, for both sexes, garments and style choices can be equally as elaborate, and there are several'cool'items that can quickly become fashion faux pas - who will say they often see people travelling in 70s flares? On the other side, men's fashion includes a few choice items which can exist eternally - which man is planning to keep an eye out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Select classic cuts, colors and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why traditional men's fashion is timeless

The basic man's suit has scarcely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous kinds for different functions, but they are all common in their pursuit of a wise, sharp search for the person. The good thing about basic fashion for men is that it is effortlessly fashionable effortlessly neat. A well-groomed lady will more often than not appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the style of such clothing. A match will undoubtedly be used to work in several careers because of the professional look it offers to the individual, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Equally a match will be worn to several social functions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This incredible versatility which allows matches to be worn in nearly all functions is what gives it its timeless side and a lasting place in men's fashion.

Modern developments in classic men's fashion

Although common men's designs will never be changed, it is interesting to note that changes in men's fashion trends have brought certain basic clothes back into fashion. The popularity of vintage clothing, particularly, has had back a wide-variety of basic types into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy man. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress in a classic yet luxurious way, placing importance on appearance and operating in a polished approach. This pattern for almost'over-the-top'traditional style for men is evident from events such as the'Tweed Run', where men and girls of all ages dress yourself in especially Victorian-style outfit and take to the roads on vintage bicycles - with lots of the men wearing perfect mustaches! This really is just one of many types of evidence displaying the resurrection of such variations. Additionally, there are numerous sites on the web which concentrate on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on giving articles on common men's fashion and grooming.

In conclusion, whilst specific areas of classic men's style could be brought back as new styles, the simple clothes which they are derived from will never slip out of fashion.

"All it takes certainly are a few basic outfits. And there's one secret - the easier the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a specialized perspective.
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If you are at all like us, it can be nerve-wracking any time you need accurate details concerning a specific subject, and it seems nearly out of the question to find.

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But you're not the only one, not by any means, because we think this is a common experience for many people. The subsequent information concerning [url=http://muachunggiatot.com/thoi-trang.html]Thoi trang nu[/url] is a consequence of all those frustrations people have.

So just finish reading through this to glean enough to begin forming a good foundation.

The general complexities of men's and women's style

Both men and women can have the pressures of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's fashion frequently feels a lot less complicated. Of program, for both sexes, garments and fashion options can be equally as elaborate, and there are numerous'modern'things that can easily become fashion faux pas - who can say they frequently see people running around in 70s flares? On the other hand, men's fashion includes a few choice goods that can exist forever - which man is planning to watch out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Pick traditional pieces, colors and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why classic men's style is timeless

The common man's suit has scarcely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many types for various functions, but they are all common in their quest for a clever, sharp search for the wearer. The good thing about classic fashion for men is that it is simply fashionable effortlessly cool. A well-groomed gentleman can typically appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the style of such apparel. A match will be used to work in several jobs because of the professional search it affords to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Equally a match will undoubtedly be worn to many social occasions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This extraordinary flexibility that allows matches to be used in virtually all events is what gives it its amazing edge and a permanent place in men's fashion.

Contemporary developments in classic men's style

Although classic men's styles will never be changed, it's interesting to remember that changes in men's fashion trends have brought certain classic clothes back in fashion. The acceptance of vintage clothing, specifically, has taken back a wide-variety of basic models into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who dress in a classic yet luxurious way, placing importance on appearance and operating in a sophisticated method. This trend for nearly'over-the-top'common style for men is evident from events including the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress in notably Victorian-style attire and decide to try the roads on vintage bikes - with lots of the men wearing impressive mustaches! That is only one of several types of proof presenting the revival of such designs. There are also numerous blogs on line which concentrate on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on giving articles on common men's fashion and grooming.

In conclusion, though certain areas of basic men's fashion may be cut back as new movements, the simple clothes that they are derived from will never slip out of fashion.

"All it takes are a few basic costumes. And there is one key - the easier the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a specialized perspective.
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